Nic DeAngelo says: So tell me about your blog in your own words
Kelley Simpson says: It began as a lifestyle blog about living in Los Angeles as a vegetarian. A lot of the content highlites vegetarian friendly companies and restaurants. Information about other vegetarian issues are also included.
Nic DeAngelo says: In the LA area that seems like it would defintely be well accepted. How's your blog doing
Kelley Simpson says: Definitely. There's a large vegetarian and vegan population in LA, so that helps. But the blog is doing pretty well. Going forward my hopes are to hear more from vegetarians in the area. Make it more itneractive.
Nic DeAngelo says: Good to hear. To tie in the themes of our two blogs, what do you see as opportunities for investment into the vegan/ vegetarian lifestyle (restaurants, organic food manufacturers, health supplements for vegans, etc.)
Kelley Simpson says: Like anything, the vegetarian lifestyle can be branded and made into a business. I can definitely see a future with vegetarian/vegan food manufactures and selling their products. By putting their products in large grocery stores they really open themselves up to a new demographic
Nic DeAngelo says: How long have you yourself been a vegetarian?
Kelley Simpson says: A little over 8 years
Nic DeAngelo says: I definitely don't fall into the category of vegetarian but the majority of my meals consist of a light meat source and vegetables. I've noticed huge health and energy benefits. What benefits has the vegetarian diet given you
Kelley Simpson says: I've noticed the same benefits. A lot more energy and I just feel healthier overall. Also there has been some weight loss. A lot of meals containing meat can be pretty fatty, so cutting those out of my diet completely has had an effect.
Kelley Simpson says: Switching gears a little. In regards to your blog, what made you decide to write about start up companies? Do you have any previous experience?
Nic DeAngelo says: I grew up around entrepreneurs my entire life. While most of my friends wanted to be firefighters or astronaughts as children, I wanted to own a business and take lavish vacations when time permitted. My love for entrepreneurship grew over the course of my job experience (or poor experience with jobs) and I started doing part time web marketing for small Real Estate companies. There's a few other things I'm working on though
Kelley Simpson says: Wow. That's great. So it sounds like you definitely have a passion for the business and your blog is a great place to express that. Have you been utilizing your blog on a more personal level or an informative one?
Nic DeAngelo says: I try and do both honestly. I don't want it to come off as a business textbook and I don't want to pretend to be the authority on all matters business related so I incorporate topics that I personally find relevant while trying to relate things to my life. At the end of the day I try to make my blog a resource that's as valuable to me as any of my readers
Nic DeAngelo says: I actually plan on doing an upcoming post about diet and frequency of meals. Any big recommendations?
Kelley Simpson says: That's a good combination. It sounds like you'll be able to attract more readers with that approach.
Kelley Simpson says: Obviously I'm a little bias but I would say 4 or 5 small meals a day and of course vegetarian.
Kelley Simpson says: What audience do you think you'll appeal to most?
Nic DeAngelo says: I'm looking to appeal to people like myself or anyone that is in need of some business advice. My thoughts and ventures are pretty scattered and I think it reflects in my posts. Hopefully the wide range of topics will be beneficial to a larger audience
Like what you read? For more of Nic's thoughts check out his blog.
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